Welcome to the UK Fire Stations website
The UK Fire Stations Website features pictures of every local authority fire station in the UK and appliances from many of them.
There are individual links to Facebook and Twitter for individual station accounts. Since the UKFS Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts were created the following has been exceptional with personnel from all ranks in the Fire and Rescue Service.
Also included on the website is a facility to search for station by name or part of name or address. If on the Brigades page the station picture displays a small appliance logo in the top right hand corner, this signifies that there are appliance pictures also available for the station.
I would like to place on record my thanks to all station personnel who have helped in the positioning of appliances and especially the retained personnel who have attended their station in their own time. Also, I am grateful to all officers’ who facilitated my visits to stations.
There are now 3055 stations featured of which 875 are old stations. There are also 199 stations listed from outside of the UK (with the majority being in Southern Ireland) of which 17 are old stations. There are now a total of 401138 station and appliance photographs on the website.
The Brigades page has a picture of each station with the active stations shown initially and the old stations lower down the page. Also at the top of each brigade page there is a map facility which can show all station locations or current or old stations separately.
The main feature of each station page continues to be galleries section, showing photographs of the stations from different angles. Where possible, photographs have also been added for appliances.
Also, for easier movement between pages, if you click on a Brigade badge wherever it appears, it will take you back to the previous page.
As previously, there is a section for brigades that are not within the UK on the BRIGADES page. A large section of the photographs featured are from Southern Ireland and I would recommend a visit to the External Links page. Have a look at the Fire Ireland link, which features many aspects related to the Fire and Rescue Service in that country.
If you have a website that you would like me to place a link to on this page, please let me know via the Contact Us page and I will be happy to oblige!
I appreciate the number of people who are viewing the site and if anybody has any information to the location of old stations that are not featured on the site and can still be photographed, I would appreciate it if you could contact me by email using the Contact Us page.
Alan Broughton

This website is dedicated to the memory of my father
1927 – 1993
Without his help, guidance and wisdom, my time as a fireman and this site would not exist. Always remembered!